On The Porch With Front Porch Music

What The Truck and Crushing Records, with SACHA

SACHA Season 1 Episode 6

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This week we have SACHA joining us On The Porch ... can you even?!

This was a fun one. SACHA is one of Canada's most prominent emerging artists. We talked about everything, from fashion, seeing herself on a billboard, her collaboration with The Reklaws on the smash hit "What The Truck", and so much more.

This is SACHA like you've never heard her.

Be sure to stream her latest EP We Did, and give her a follow on Instagram and TikTok.

As always, we're excited to remind you that for our 50th episode of On The Porch with Front Porch Music, we will be talking to Canadian ICON Shania Twain! She doesn't know this yet ... but I'm sure she'll be very excited about it!

Only 44 more episodes!

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On The Porch with Front Porch Music is a Front Porch Production and hosted by Logan Miller and Jenna Weishar.  This episode was edited and produced by Jason Saunders. Special thanks to Stage Manager Meg for doing the intro of this episode. 

The theme song for this podcast was written, produced, and performed by Owen Riegling.

This week’s episode is introduced by Paige Rutledge. Her latest single Dive Bar Romeo is available now. 

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hello sasha


hey how's it going


i'm doing good how are you


oh well thanks


welcome to the porch






liking it on the porch


on a very very windy day


on a very windy day


where we're having having internet problems go that's okay


but the weather's gorgeous it's a it's a gorgeous from porch day so


it is it a hu yeah that's that would have been a bad idea the worst asm r ever just like frightening


that's hilarious


we're so excited to chat with you you've had such a huge like what two years really just like break through total we would like we just wanna talk about like all the hives you


do you


highs you've had and just like chat about like what's been going on and get like down to it cause you have so much to be excited about and so much you've accomplished so it's so cool


yeah thank you um yeah i feel i'm really grateful i feel really blessed uh for just some of the exciting things that i've been able to experience over the past two years and it's still blowing my mind and um i i still have more goals to like attain but i'm just so




grateful for everything that's been happening


it it's kind of weird that it's like the whole world had a really bad two years and you're like mine's actually been pretty good


i know like should i feel guilty about that


absolutely not yeah absolutely not no


like you know like a part of me is like you know in the midst of you know the most um unprecedented circumstances and times i i'd have to say that it's been quite the beneficial time period for me you know and and it's just interesting 'cause you know some people going through the worst things ever but i mean i don't know i always thought about they like she'll be should i feel guilty about that but you know


we forget from from a few artists actually and like even for us too as like front porch like the pandemic obviously had a lot of really shitty things about it




but but it kind of opened up op opportunities to connect with people that we never would have before


yeah for sure and it i think it's like you know in any situation you could always see the glass half full of glass half empty you know or you can say you know you can take advantage of every opportunity or you can look the circumstances take advantage of you so in this case i was like you know what like there's no time to stop i've got to keep going and it's haven to be the best steps that i've taken through the whole situation


i like that jenna you need to learn that from that whatever i'm very much the glass is half full always and jen is not no


i i i can like i can empathize with jenna


thank you


um because it's it is tough to be like the glasses half full you know and uh but i think it's something it's like a mindset so it's definitely just picking out one thing like for me it was okay i've got a song you know and i've got a music




video or just one thing that was just coming and coming at me all year long and i just had to cling on of that so


and you have a cute dog


and i have a cute dog yeah like


so like you're like the the start of the last two years kind of started with standards right with it kind of taking off and doing really well or was that last year what is time


i don't even know what like day it is right now or what year it is


i know it's i know it's so hard but yeah




standards was huge


yeah sanel was huge and yeah again like i said like it just one of those things that you just you know like an arrow shot in the dark and you know it actually




hits the bull's eye so it was kind of that's kind of what standard was for we opened up up huge doors and yeah the doors just keep opening


what was that feeling for you when you saw climbing the charts and just getting the the the success that that it deserved but that it thought it was getting


i don't know it was just like interesting because a lot of things are just happening so fast that it's like you don't have a even a moment to properly appreciate it you know and i was just like cause sanders was on radio and then it was on you know c m t was playing it and then it was on top fifty and then it was just like you know




having mega streams so it was just like every day it was like


i don't think like


a knock on theor for something great and it was like oh my gosh how do i have time to even baske in all


he died


this excitement but you know looking back i'm just entirely grateful it is it was just such an exciting ride the whole way through


play that's gonna be really overwhelming i was just gonna say the same thing how overwhelming but in a good way yeah but i feel like i would have in that


in a good way yeah


situation i would start to feel like okay what offer or what phone call is is coming in that like who can i trust right now did you have any of that


no because it's like it's like moments that you've always been waiting for and it's like you just someone knocks you open that doors why does you can come on in yeah sure you know and and luckily for me it was you know all the right people


hm um yeah and




then that music video did really well i just even visually so like the i all the bright colors i love it


and my dog trooper's debut he was he was the star yeah


yes he's a star he was the star yeah yeah sara who bring on trooper


yeah that's so true


he is your little side kick though bigh trooper comes everywhere with you


yeah he is yeah i'm sure his ears are perking up right now because he can probably hear me saying his name yeah


hear he was backstage at the c m o's wasn't he


yes he was


shot that was so cute there were a few dogs back aage and it was like okay cool like we


yeah yeah he was there it


like most of them walked the red carpet it was so funny


yeah toler yeah he had his little pink flood tshirt on so


what i need


yeah he was he was riding hein style


a picture of him in a pink foy tshirt i love that so much so standards does well and then what




was the next like big thing that came in right after that






here's the thing because standards was i i'd say like if i have to just capitalize on a moment that was really huge for me and this happened this happened before standards was cmt




next woman a country


yeah we yeah




well i had that i wanted to talk about that how that's very very cool


yeah that was like a that's like a like changing moment type of thing


co co that's not just canada right no


because i've admired it's not just canada it's in well now shem he's in nashville and i mean i've admired the program cmt next woman in the country for for so long and uh all the you know the stars that come out of it like mayor morris and gab barrett and you know


hm yeah


so many more micky guyon and you know was just like how do t ah til arts was in the class with me twenty twenty one and she's doing mega awesome too and i was just like how do i find myself in a program like this you know it's just the years of hard work and determination and not quitting that i actually had that opportunity so




that was the moment that i think like just really flew some doors open


did you have any moments where you were like w do i belong here


um hm that's a good question i'm never been asked that do i belong to her


that i feel


n n


and i think that about us all the time me doing yeah you know like you get to go like it's a huge program and it's




really like you said like some very huge successes came out of it do you have a moment where you were like am i


yeah you




know what i've been doing this for so long and i've been making so many sacrifices and working hard it was i don't think it's a question of do i belong here it was just a question of um it was more of an expression of i can't believe i'm here


mm ah that's good


i i don't even get like i i feel like um when i get somewhere it's just something that i've always seen and always dreamed because it's on my list so it's not really a matter of dober but it's like i' believe i got here


that's that's incredible that's a better i like the way you look at it like that




yeah that's a better way putting it than what we did it's probably healthier too the way the like the like the the way that jd jen and i talk about like us like in the industry we like what happened how did this


yeah no for sure i get that no i get that


happen why are we here it's just such a whirlwind right like it just


it is


happens so quickly and you're just like trying to keep up so sometimes you get a


it is i think i think that do do i belong to your stuff or anything that


mo no


sounds or feels like that is uh if i if i that comes up it's an it's a confidence thing where


it might be hmm for sure


yeah i'm sure most people have felt like do why belong here like or am i just as good as you know am i good enough




you know you know


yeah definitely


so yeah


so the next the next woman of country what was the biggest thing that you were able to take from that one


okay uh the




biggest thing i was able to take from that well




i say i feel like it was a a validation of all the hard work and




um you know the music that i put in that i was on the right track like to be able to be championed as one of the women in that class and a part of the alumni it was for me it was a huge validation for




me so i i feel like it's almost like a step up of the do i belong here it's more like a you know what i belong here and i'm gonna go for the stars type of thing you know and i i




am good enough you know


i love that yeah that that's




awesome that's such a great attitude yeah




so where does so then okay so all that crazy stuff happens and then you kind of link up with the wreck laws in a random way


yeah two random two random for words


like to the like so random that to the fact where i'm i'm like was that actually




planned and just like they like did that on tick talking like oh let's just make this a tick dock thing but like


i think sorry i cut you off because i'm just getting excited about this so you go


no like like no go for like like how like was this actually random


ahead um yeah okay i can talk now because i'm like


yeah i go for it


i want i don't want to cut you off cause i'm getting so excited about this story's interesting because like okay let's say it wasn't me let's say it was somebody else who got that opportunity for all we know we i could have thought the the same thing like perhaps it was you know already prearranged but i am here to tell you i was to not rearranged i mean i literally you know i'm trying to get i'm trying to see tick tocks bumping now and it's the next big platform so i'm like okay i'm getting get more active on my tick talk i'm gonna take whatever opth come i see that they had this they had the sample out they're reaching out to his fans and their audience and they're just like hey you know basically in short words inviting people to help finish this song and i just thought oh my gosh that loop like that sound whatever they got there is like it's crazy it's




fire and i was like yeah let me maybe let me hop on it i i wrote something like earlier that week i was just working on something and i just spit it out on the duet with uh the wreck laws and um and i literally turned my back and didn't think anything of it and i thought okay great more content for my t talk


get a few extra views maybe hit some for you pages yeah


and few act bes and yeah maybe maybe they'll share it cause i love them i love their music i love their brand like everything about them was top notch so i honest to goodness didn't see that coming and i all of a sudden i get like i i could have just now did it what




happened i always think of like what if i didn't do it




you know so and um which you know i've missed out on opportunities i feel like that just because i i just didn't do something so lesson learn just do it you know um


that is a great lesson it's the butterfly effect one thing changes everything right


yeah like just do it one thing changes everything um but i got a dem from jenna and




she's like i wonder if i saved it because if that if


not this jenna


like that's gonna be any pro i not jennifer the res and um she's like hey we like we really love what you did and we want we want you to be a part of this song with us so we think he'd be you know whatever and i was like is this a joke


hey okay y


l o l and she's like no it's not a joke


that's actually respon is this a joke


it's not a joke yeah i'm trying like if i have to like go back to our messages and find that and just like frame it so that people though this was totally not prearranged i tell you can you not but um before you know it i get a phone yeah


at that like at that point did you think that it was like oh i'm just help help write the verse and just have like a writing credit on it or or were you or from the beginning were they like no you're on the song


i didn't see like yeah i think cause everything happened so fast i thought okay like one line from this might make it on the you know on um you know on the song or i get to sing whatever else you know they've already come up with or so i i just thought okay i'm gonna be on the song it's tick talk i thought maybe it was just gonna be some big tick tock




thing right but like i'm talking it feels like almost like it was just days between it might have been like the next week if not that week but i was recording uh you know




and then yeah sorry


wow like you like let's get to work


yeah oh yeah i was recording my part yeah let's get to work and then we're doing a music video great


that is surreal


and yeah


what an experience


and then we're closing out the cc mass like i'm honest to goodness


oh we you busted up on that stage i was like yes girl yes yes and then you have and like priyanka up and and the lindsay was it like it was like like an iconic yeah like that final frame that


yeah in louisa yeah


like that picture that that that's circulated




around from it is like such a cool picture and like the look of like happiness on all of your faces is amazing oh yeah incredible


yeah yeah it was a party of the of the century i guess for that moment yeah i




like i i'm telling you i'm still like i said it's all still catching up with me


yeah i can only imagine and




then you didn't even have time to breathe because it's been just well it broke records yeah




and you've been playing it with them and then you put your only p out your latest


yeah it's yeah you see i don't waste any time he


no man you gotta capitalize on that keep going




wow did you think when you were like presented the opportunity with the reck class i'm assuming we're already working on the on the e p




um did you have any like like reservations about like the timeliness and being um did you have any like like reservations about like the timeliness and being able to work on all of this at the same time or are you just like i can do it all able to work on all of this at the same time or are you just like i can do it all


now you're gonna see you're gonna learn everything i do i feel like is from off the seat of my pants because i wasn't working like




i was writing songs like through zoom and stuff and trying to get songs together and trying to just figure out what what the branding and the message and what the sound's gonna be but i i um it was it was still very um just kind of going with the flow i j i didn't know i wanted to put up music i didn't know when the e




this ep that happened this ep that happened is a whole another story when you're ready to talk about that but um yeah i forget the rest but


that's okay


i forget what i forget what else you asked


that's okay i was saying like where you the time you're saying like you just fly by the seat your pants everything is like comes when it comes and if we want to do it tomorrow we'll we'll figure it out tomorrow kind of thing right


yeah i mean like yeah for essentially like i obviously i have plans right




but my plans for the most part get intercepted whether it's you know cove by the rack laws


by the wreck laws


by the re clause or you know covid hits and it's like okay do i stay or do i go now and it's like well i guess i'm gonna go you know




and like oh cm t is knocking on my door so this like it's just it's it's just the way i live i guess


you gotta be so proud of yourself yeah seriously come on or is that hard


the big big big big pause i think i'm i think i have a lot of expectations for myself


yeah yeah that's very relatable yep


i think that's the thing um and i have to actually give myself


give me


that give my own self that i guess validation of credit




because i maybe that's something that i just kind of neglect so it's just like i have some all these goals and expectations and




yeah i think i have to


gotta you gotta take a beat and be priors up there because like




even even just like from us on the outside like there's so much to to be proud of yeah


well thank you


i've been your little cheerleader ever since we first chatted i remember i


you're awesome


honestly remember our that interview so well you're like you're like i'm so sorry i'm like not good with words today and then afterwards you messaged and you were like h i don't know how that was that was great you did a great job of making me sound like coherent


you're a master you're a masterpiece with with words i was like okay


that was so great


or i was just like that was wow i was impressed you know at my own self but the one words is coming that you put together but yeah i i think that i do like thinking back yeah i i'm sure i'm pretty sure i'm proud of myself i know that sounds funny but


i'm pretty sure


it's like i just don't give myself that time to rest yet or or to be well done maybe i have to wear i that's probably something they have to work on because i think it's important well yeah thank you thank you


well we'll be proud for you absolutely we will be you're welcome we be here for you and you feel the same way though there's always like even like in my professional life now there's so many things that i've done over the last two years which like thankfully i was able to accomplish some things more quickly than planned because i had more free time




but immediately once i had like hit that like target it was like okay what's next what am i




doing now it there's never like a like yes good for me i'm so happy it's just like what am i doing to like push it to the next level now like what what's next in line right so i relate maybe it's easier to be




proud of other people than of yourself co i think because you're co you're talking like yeah that's me too actually yeah it is




because you're




not sure where somebody else's like goals and accomplishments and like where's their finish line you're just like w well that was really great that you did that w where like when you're the person who's doing you're like that was like number like that's this this is my list and i'm like on




number three right like so it's it's just like another step in the




yeah yeah interesting yeah i don't know how to seg way back to where i wanted to go but that's okay sorry we got really deep


yeah we do we do


so just i i'm thinking back to the cc mas i was backstage for the show working in the in the in the media room




and you walked backstage and you just looked so cool with like your like after the red carpet with the glasses and like like your




outfit you just looked so cool people


well thank you


were like stopping like watch and like when you walked into the media room it like people were like it it was like a li on you yeah cool


oh thank you yeah that was fun


yeah like was that so fun to like get dressed up for and and like find your find your look


my goodness i took i i like wa like lost lots of sleep just trying to figure out like fashion's a big deal for me too and um this was a big deal for me because it was a first red carpet first like c c ms where i'm not a a spectator i'm not on the


yeah you're on the freaking stage


outside you know what i mean i'm on the freaking stage and i was like oh my gosh like i was going losing sleep just trying to figure out what i'm going to wear and what i'm how i'm gonna look and yeah it was it was fun i liked i liked to dress up


where's your style in spoke come from cause like you do that all like do you have a stylist that helps sometimes or no


i i do i do have um a stella who is now at that point i actually just found some items at a store that um is in toronto




and uh i'm just trying to figure out the name because i feel like they need to get credit for that um i think it's the aka store


hm okay


um but i


we know where jen is going next week i'm the way home


okay oh sorry aka the store




that's what it's called so it's really cool cause i feel like it's kind of got like hollywood glam and really eclectic pieces um i actually




reached out funny enough to cheryl hickey on instagram and i was like




hey she you know you know when he you know i i always like she's put wear and




she's actually the one who suggested the aka the store ran to me so popped in and i found everything that i needed and wanted for that whole weekend in terms of dressing up or being high fashion and




um the dress that i wore in the red carpet though i added the the flowers and the


oh rip


i bed and i added the dart like those diamonds studs on there and the tassels under the arm


fine wow look at you


yeah yeah


well diy queen


it was a diy kind of thing for sure


love that for you


yeah so


that's awesome how do you like when you're when you're looking at your style and you said it's a huge part for you so what what is it about your style that is so you know part of your personality and your and your image and all that good stuff


um about my what is it about my style it's i don't know i just as a kid i was i could i will consider myself tacky um




like like yeah like i know that sounds funny but really tacky at times and just i think taki is a thing for fashion because it's stuff that sticks out


like yeah like like more is better






or like a bright color or something that's not it's kind of a little unorthodox or a little less traditional of a ball gown kind of dress that was more like a leather it was actually a body suit with a skirt you wouldn't even be able to tell




but it was like all like vegan vegan leather and um




just stuff that is a little bit not normal or a little you know outside of the box


like eclectic right like


is what my eye eclectic for sure




is what my eye gravitates to


cool so like you've always been into like high fashion stuff or fashion in general


probably i do have a trophy somewhere my s like i have a twin sister and we were in um fa a little fashion show when we're like three years old


what fun


so i think it was something that was yeah there


that's fake


time and um and i do have some fashion endeavors as well so


oh cool




that's really cool




tell us more


that'll be another that'll be another time to talk about that yeah


ca but honestly as a create when you're like a super creative person and like that is like something that you exude is like i'm a creative human being and like the way you talk in the way you express yourself not just through music you're you're very like art is your thing and i think that like fashion is something that like falls into that category naturally for a lot of people too when they're like when they're


in in that field


like inspired and surrounded by art and that's like just their whole being right


yeah that that makes sense


totally totally i love that that's great




so you're obviously a super creative how how does the business side of this industry sit with you like is that something that you have to work really hard at or like what your


you know what i've had no choice because i've been independent for so




long um so when it comes to handling my own affairs i had to


yep it's hard


thank it is but here's the thing i have a team now thankfully that is taking off that load which is great um and i feel like it's something that you just kind of get accustomed to it's just something that becomes part of your i guess like artistry now mind you i wouldn't consider myself the most administrative person


you me both


like like at all so yeah i'm i'm i've struggled there's a or there's big holes in areas where admin comes along but i for the most part i've had to just kind of carry myself from one point of my career to the next administratively so yeah the business i think the business part of that is very important


yeah have


like yeah


did you figure it out as you went along because there's no like rule book people like where did you find like what you needed to be able to get that stuff like keep it like keep that side of it going too


it's interesting because honestly like i think for sure the art side of my um i don't think that i felt i don't feel like i hadn't had been able to put as much energy into my creative side so something's gonna get compromised








you're gonna have to overcompensate and so i somehow managed to juggle both but the thing that i look forward to moving forward is being able to put my whole entire energy into the creative aspect in my artist being able to write more and not you know like you know jump off a right and then go to here or do that or answer me emails or calls but be able to be one hundred percent present in everything i do that's creative so that's something that i really long and i'm really looking forward to in this next season


that's the dream serious i think the business side though like for especially for independent artists i think it's something that you have to kind of get yourself in on just




so that so that when you are at a place where you can start hiring a team you kind of know what you're looking for and what




you're and what you can pass off and what you still need to keep on to and even for the things that you do pass off that like you are handing it off to people who you can trust and can also still have an eye on to be like can i like are they still doing what's best for me


yeah one thousand percent um and that's i like as much as you know an artist doesn't like i was saying would love to just focus on the creative side of things if you don't if you're independent and you don't have a team then that independ or sorry the business part of things are just as important if not more important than the artistry because that's what's gonna launch your artistry like your industry it can come and go but if you have a really good business etiquette or at least standard or ethic then you can continue to keep your career and your dreams afloat


absolutely what do you when you're looking for when you've been working on building out your team what are some like key i don't want to say like core values maybe that




you're looking for in those humans that you want to represent you and be part of your team what what do you value in those people


definitely integrity um passion enthusiasm um and you know people that just have that like nothing is impossible mentality


that's important




you need somebody who's like on the same like running at the same speed you are too right because




we've clearly come to the fact that you have one speed and its goal so everybody gets to be able to keep up


hey i used to run track and field back in the day and i


oh my gosh


was in the relay and it was like no looking back just pass that toon forward at the speed of light so yeah


that adds up


definitely me i'm like a year ahead of myself and all things but yes


that's that's a good way to look at it though that




is a good way to look at it for sure well why


what what


don't we take a quick break and then we will jump back into it and talk about your new release sure




so we're just gonna do a quick little moment of silence so that we can find this


fake break yeah okay


yeah yeah if you take a sup of water we'll have




a like a moment of silence so we can find it in the audio track later




all right we are back sasha we have been




having such a great conversation but we want to talk about your new ep we did first




of the single we did has already over three hundred thousand streams on spotify alone so that's insane


yeah um it's it's doing what we thought it would do


that's good that's great why did you pick that one to go kind of as the lead off for the ep


but we did like i've been fortunate enough to have a storybook kind of you know love story even myself and i think




it's something that everybody relates to when it comes to love or at least wanting a type of love you know and um it's very personal to me and it it did resonate with me when i first heard it it in fact it kind of had that um t swift you know fall hard first love kind of cut through the heart type of uh impact and uh i don't know for anybody that knows me long enough i've always been a huge fan of taylor swift and the way her music made me feel from love story




so i mean that yeah that it was just the right match and um yeah i i just i i think the most important thing about that song was the way it made me feel that nostalgic kind of love story telling uh vibe and um i think that a message like that is universal and relatable for anyone


yeah for sure


even if you don't have a significant other i mean like you can just live vicariously through the lyrics




because cause it just paints it out so well


honestly so one of your tick talk videos was like are you like in like happy in love or whatever and i'm like no and then and i and i hadn't listened to it i hadn't listened to it yet and you know like i have a dog reader i'm like bet so then i go listen to i'm sitting they're like melting a little bit i'm like oh this is so cute you got me man you got me


yeah well i'm glad i didn't


so you're totally right you're totally right


yeah you could just hey you can dream it up or you can even just you know like i said you could just have the feelings of falling in love if just because of the energy that's behind it you know


totally what's it so you you said you said you've had like a good love story so what's what's it




like having like obviously you have a supportive partner who's like




on board and totally like your biggest cheerleader right so jenna needs some tips here yeah how do you how do you find where did you find and yeah do they


how did i where did i um well um i think we're gonna need like a cupp of coffee and uh you know some are just sit around and talk about this story because it's just so it's just too good to put out in like the next one to two minutes but um it was it was something that sorted young




and is still lasting now even today and um it was something that i was looking for or that i even expected like


like any


anything else kind of an interception in my life like all these other great things that happened to move the music um and i think that um what really struck me is again um his values and it's like even just how it work ethic and support like when you find somebody that really believes in you you know and it's so selfless um i think that's really something to be noted and yeah it's just interesting because relationships and i don't know the standards of relationships even like with my song standards right it's the whole thing about alexander but it could be a little bit tricky maybe in this day and age but it's not impossible and it's not that it's not there it's just maybe we're not looking in the right places or we're looking too hard for me i wasn't looking it just kind




of f me


that's so cute that is cute




never mind i gotta go work to do i'm just kidding now that's really great and it's like super important so speaking of like i mean going back to the release of your ep one of my favorite things that i see online of yours is when you're posting you in dundas square with your face on a giant billboard




and it's just like like the smile on your face is so infectious and it's it like just seeing those posts e like from all artists it just makes me so happy like how surreal is it to see your yourself blown up to like a million times your size


it's just crazy i like again it's surreal you just cannot believe it it's like what is happening right now you know and um it was absolutely freezing that day like oh when i say freezing i mean my i was probably next to tears by the time i got my ears were so they were like on fire like i didn't like if you can tell i didn't dress the part i went




down there my jacket with a like a cropped sweater kind of t and high wasted jeans and i was just like yeah but it's just like it was worth it cause like at that moment like the the cold went away and i was just like i can't i can't even believe it and it's although i can only catch a glimpse of it for like half a second i was just like this is it's major it's a big deal you know like




i i it's it's just a big deal 'cause i think about where it started and and where i am now and it it just gives me more hope and encouragement that that i put down a paper or that i'm dreaming of can become a reality


so when you're standing in front of the billboard getting a picture taken is there anybody who's like looking at you be like hey that she she's up there


i don't you know it's funny cause not really actually no


it was probably too cold nobody was out there it was just


it was too cold it was too cold there was like there was a man he was completely shirtless and he was walking around throwing things on the ground and yeah




um yeah he was you know there was just like a lot of kind of activities downtown dundee square right


oh toronto


so there's a lot of fun happen in there are some you know interesting things happening but i mean it it's everyone so be everyone's heads down my head was up i was looking for that billboard


oh that's surreal that's such a fun feeling




okay back to the ep once again there's like a good little mix you've got your love song what's i'm dumb i just forgot the name of the wine song but i love it if i wanted wine


i if i if i want it yeah


love it




love it and then pretty please you got a like good little combo of like tidbits of like your life and personality all into this like cute little a cute little catalog


yeah it's kind of like it's kind of a preview of what's to come




yeah so i'm only getting started with this chapter chapter one and just


that's pretty cool how did you pick out what you were looking to cause it's four songs right one of them is what the truck


what the them is with the truck that's got to be there i mean we gotta end up




with a bang um but you know pretty pleased again is personal to me and it's usually you know like it's a song that um is about one that may struggles with confidence or confidence in themselves confidence again in their dreams or what they can achieve and the




standards of beauty are all the expectations that we have of ourselves are ever increasing especially with the rise of social media and filters and all you know sorts of things




that help us get away from our authenticity you know and that song is it's kind of takes you back to like a more of like a like i guess high school era


yeah like a younger


but at the but at the same yeah




you just the younger you i i'm excited to share what's coming with pretty please really soon um that's all i'm gonna say but yeah


like what a tease like tuesday


it's a like two




like tuesday um i wish


yeah that soon


i wish but i feel like this song is actually it's really special and it's really powerful and i know people get getting you know dragged away with that i wanted wine if i wanted win which i don't blame you because




that songs and you know it's just it's just hits the like the ears in every capacity but and i love that song as well and and then there's we did which is that high energy you know i can't




wait to get on the stage and perform all those songs


oh i bet


this summer but when i get the chance to pull out a guitar and sing pretty please and maybe share a little bit of vi personal story i think that's just a place that it's kind of a song that opens up a little bit more of a vulnerable side of me and i'm excited to you know share that with everyone


it's important to balance that too especially when you're putting out a more fun track like we did and you're you know bouncing off the walls with what the truck and then you like can still bring it back to like hey this is also me right




it's super important for people to get to know you






but not all at once so like




i said some of these conversations are gonna like i said we're gonna start off with some tea or like whatever wherever




behind the stage backstage festival you know combos or




because uh there's a lot to tell


yeah we'll bring the coffee you bring the conversation


all right we got it


it's cause i'm a tshirt i like that coffin conversation i love it that it's like a little little bit we should do yeah we should do that here we


yeah there you go pa past


are bit business planning right here podcast number two front porch hosted by sasha yeah


that's right there you go coming conversations


no it's seriously though like it's it's it's one thing




to like you know record and let people get to know you but it's also like the the things that happen organically when you're when you get to see somebody in person for the first time or when you're like you know you just like connect with people differently when it's just like in person and it's like i said organic and you can like you need to feel each other out a little bit better and like get to know them and you can feel like can when you trust people you can tell them a little bit more about your story and they




share that too right because sometimes




when we sit here it's like a little like we want to know about you we want to know about you and you're like whoa whoa whoa


yeah well yeah and i


take a minute


think it's important yeah and you know like any time like i'm i'm very i'm i'm pretty much i think for the most part an open book but i've learned that there's a time and place for stories and for that




center you know sorts of transparency but the main thing that that i'm just so excited about even with this music is just you know having people drawn to the music and it's like the bread trumps to the artist whos this and sings that song you know where the




music matters and then the artist matters do them and i think it's just the way that the maybe that's just how it works with music is nobody cares you know what who i'm dating or who i'm you know what i mean they first all the interaction or their first introduction to me is the song a song you know something heard on the radio something they heard them streaming and' kind of the bts back to the


yeah they i mean i i've said this to some of our clients like the audience has to love you like your




your music first and then the love for you comes after you've proven your word to them




yeah you know who's done that really well is actually also is til arts


oh yeah




t yeah i agree


she um


and she's got a great voice too so


her oh oh yeah oh yeah she's unstoppable but her last album like her most recent album i guess i went i walked over to my best friend we lived together' these little offices in our basement that we work from home and i had been listening to it um the day it came out and i was like this is like one big hug like this girl




just like knows how to be your big sister and




then i hear her talking and it's like like she has a little sister and they're best friends and she's like it's i'm like the queen of big sister country like this is what i do and you just like feel so connected to a human because she's like i want you to feel like understood and welcome of my space right like i think she




just does that so well


yeah and that's important that's part of her you know a big part of her success


yeah totally


you know and it goes back to the music


exactly the whole point which is so cool it's hard to like make a decision when you're like wanting to like how much how big is your catalog of music that you're like i'm dying for people to hear this but like you have to be strategic about it


i think it's it's probably i feel like i'm just i'm still working on getting a team of right people to to tell my story like i said cause i've been balancing the




independent like you know the business and the like the the creative part was a smaller percentage in comparison to me just you know being the business person were in the business hat for so long and um yeah i got songs but then but then time goes by and some songs will come back and they'll be relevant or some will just stay locked up in the vault um you'll meet new people and you'll they'll be able to bring out the the better version of your story so that's what




i'm working on yeah that's what i'm working on and i feel like like just like how these songs like these songs by the way like they




they they just came in a flash of of a moment and i flew it in asheville recorded the song and the songs sorry like within twenty four hours and flew back home and then we


that sounds exhausting


it was exhausting and not to mention the flights were delays and delayed and


oh i bet


all that stuff that happened in between but that's always the sign that i'm on the right path like something bangers around the corner for me so if trouble strikes i don't on the right path but yeah this ep you know like like it was like match maiden and in heaven kind of thing three songs let's go record twenty four hours and then put out a song sorry put out the the e p again unorthodox but it worked and i feel like moments like that are songs like that are still are still out there in the ethos you know what i mean so i i i could say i have a catalog but i i feel like i'm totally just looking forward to the stuff that i haven't even been introduced yet introduced to yet


you teased a bit of new music coming soon do you have any t like timelines that i've


did did i say that


you said this is just like the first little cha like the first piece of this big like chapter




kind of


okay so we're we assuming now are we i didn't say that did i


yeah you did i did i did


oh oh no wait i send the chapter i sent the a tease yes i did say the ts but i didn't say anything about his music video did i guess


no oh oh




my goodness we were assuming


cause he said oh oh okay then um


oh sasha o sasha you have me so intrigued right now you have me so intrigued right now


so stay tuned


stay tuned


stay tuned it's all your face


i saw oh you you're caught your instagram stories yesterday somebody else i i saw oh you you're caught your instagram stories yesterday somebody else i followed on instagram yesterday day followed on instagram yesterday day you've been busy you've been busy


i've been busy i've been busy yeah um


that's great i'm like so




intrigued and so excited right now yeah


yeah well that story has expired so you're just gonna have to wait


that two four hour thing do it




well sasha we're coming to the end here where can people find you


they can find me an instagram at sasha official music sasha spelled sa ch and you can form me a tech talk again such official music find me on twitter you can find me on youtube you can go to www dot i am sasha com but i'm most active on instagram and tick tock right now


yeah you're you're a lot of fun to follow and tick duck you are


yeah thanks i try i try


well that is you bring us to the end of our time here thanks so much for




joining us sasha


thanks for having me this is fun


and we're so excited to hear this whatever is coming up next yes


yeah i'm excited to share that i'm excited to share it with you


yeah and so everyone just be sure to keep watching on front portuguese ca we'll definitely be keeping you all updated as well absolutely alright i'm gonna just stop recording here

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